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Tee Creek Info

Therapy Dogs

Therapy Dogs is a visitation program linking animals with people for therapeutic companionship.. People feel less lonely or depressed when animals visit. Doggy visits can provide a welcome change from routine or may renew old friendships. People become more active and responsive, both during and after visiting with animals.

Animal visits can offer entertainment or be a welcome distraction from pain and infirmity. People often talk to the dogs and share their thoughts, feelings and memories. Animal visits provide something one can look forward to. Petting encourages use of hands and arms, stretching and turning ,and also reduces blood pressure..always a plus in maintaining health!

Pets makes it easier for two strangers to talk. Visits provide common interests and provides a focus for conversation. Many people in hospitals or group homes have had to give up pet ownership and they miss the casual acceptance which a pet gives them. A dog pays little attention to age or physical ability, but accepts people as they are. The benefits continue even afterward. The visit leaves behind memories ,not only of the visit, but of past experiences.

If you would like to visit hospitals, Seniors' residences or nursing homes, we would like to help you train your dog to perform the task necessary to become a great therapy dog.

Things to note:

  • Visiting dogs must be social.
  • A good therapy dog is calm, tolerant and friendly.
  • The visits should be pleasurable for both of you.
  • Don't try to force therapy work on a dog.
  • Visiting dogs must be polite.
  • Visiting dogs must not challenge other dogs.
  • A polite dog does not touch a person unless invited.
  • The balance between calm and friendly is necessary.
  • A dog who is full of energy and always ready to work may be too active for most situations.
  • Any breed of dog can participate.

This class will provide the training necessary for your dog to take the CGN (Canine Good Neighbor) test offered through various venues. This title will enable your dog to participate in visitation programs at hospitals,schools, group and nursing homes and may prove beneficial for insurance purposes! Especially with Bill 132, this particular title proves your dog has the proper training to be trusted in certain situations because it has the manners necessary to be a "good citizen"!! Therapy dogs are not service (or "assistance") dogs.

Service dogs are vitally important to those people with disabilities who are fortunate enough to have these wonderful animals. Service dogs include guide (or "leader") dogs for the blind, hearing dogs who alert their owners to sounds, mobility assistance dogs which may pull a wheelchair or directly support a person, seizure alert dogs; and others.